To Join Shiba Inu Canada
If you wish to join the Club, please complete an application form and forward to our Club Secretary. Please note there is a Code of Ethics included as part of the Application. Email addresses and payment options are detailed on the application form. All applications are reviewed and voted on, and applicants advised in a timely manner.
About Shiba Inu Canada
Shiba Inu Canada is the official National Breed Club and is incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act(NFP Act). Recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club in 2000, we are a small club with members distributed across the country.
The objective of the Club is to promote the responsible ownership of purebred Shiba Inus, to preserve and protect the Shiba Inu breed, to encourage the participation of Shiba Inus in dog-related activities, and to conduct activities such as Matches, Boosters, Obedience and Specialty Shows in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Kennel Club.
As a member of the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC), Shiba Inu Canada is able to hold events across the country. Titles can be awarded to dogs completing the requirements of the CKC, in conformation, obedience, and other events.
Club Executive
President: Sherri Davidson
Vice President: Susan Norris-Jones
Secretary Treasurer: Tina Gaudet
Past President: Susan Norris-Jones
BC: Shelly Grant
Alberta: Michelle Gaudet
Ontario: Kristine Brown
Quebec: Maude Beaumier-Messier
Atlantic: Amy Wood